Sunday, March 4, 2012

Eagle Glacier Cabin 2/24-25/2012

Well my boyfriend and I have decided that now is as good a time as any.  We set out and had the first camp out of the year... in February!

He decided it would be a good idea to hike out after work. So as soon as I got home we threw on our gear and headed out.  The sun was already setting around 6pm when we arrived at the trail head.  We strapped on our head lamps and set out on the trail.  It quickly became dark.  The headlamps came in INCREDIBLY handy as with the trail not nearly as maintained as others and some of the trees with trail markings down the head lamps made it so we could see a glimmer in the distance and which direction to go.

The night was cold, and we were both pretty hungry.  Three hours later and just as we were about to give up on any remaining hope and turn back we ran across the quarter mile to cabin sign!  A HUGE sigh of releaf and we booked it the rest of the way (I'm pretty sure the Forest Service needs to update the mileage for that trail.  it seemed MUCH longer than 5 miles- then again, maybe that is because we were hiking in the dark...).

Arriving at the cabin, we unpacked pre-made sandwiches (one of the brilliant ideas we had, the one about hiking out at 6pm is debatable).  They were so good that we scarfed them down in about 2 seconds.  Slowing building a fire and warming up the chilly cabin it started to feel more cozy after about an hour and we warmed up by candle light.

The next day we assessed our feet to discover our trek in had left us with some pretty gnarly blisters.  We bandaged our feet, made ourselves some breakfast and then the boyfriend went out to chop a hole in the ice for our water source.

Prior to the trip I had purchased a huge water filter that filters as you pour.  Probably the worlds best invention.  It could also be hung up on a tall branch and used as a shower if needed.

We chopped wood and cleaned up the cabin.  We found 3 sparklers in one of the cupboards and I squealed for joy.  "We are going to have SO MUCH FUN with these!  Eeeeeheheheh!" 

That evening in the middle of the first course and the second course we ran outside and had some fun.  I took a couple pictures.  After a few minutes we raced inside to get warm again.  I drew pictures and wrote in my camping journal while the boyfriend grew intrigued by the candles and started to make a wax sculpture using the melted wax.  

We had a lot of fun and it was a very nice, relaxing and quite trip once we got there and got warm that is.

On our return the snow started to down pour.  We packed up and headed out around 10:30 or so.  Even with all the snow that was falling and our sore feet from the hike in it was a very wonderful hike back out to the car.  We were able to see a lot more of the trail and even though it was still very hard follow from lack of maintenance and all the fallen trees we made it back to the car in 2 hours time.  This is including all the stops we had to take along the way for my silly little "must take a picture" moments.

Back to the car, we were very excited to get home, clean and well fed after a lovely camping trip.

**** Pictures to Come - Check back At A Later Date****

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