Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Being Thankful

When thinking of what I'm thankful this year. There are many thoughts that come to my mind. I mean, it has been a very up and down year. What with the loss of so many friends and my beloved Aspen. With the travel that I was able to take this year to see good friends and meet many more new ones. All the wonderful crazy fun fabulous adventures that I went on this year.

I am thankful for my friends who were there for me when Aspen was caught with a sudden illness and her life taken. I am thankful for my friends who were able to help keep me busy and help me get on with life at that time. Taking me out to celebrate her life & camping to help clear my head.

I am thankful for my parents who have been so wonderful and amazing. I love you so much.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cowee Creek Cabin

November 5-6 I went with a couple friends and their dogs to Cowee Creek Meadows. It was a rainy trail and we didn't leave until I was off of work so it was pitch black by the time we got out to the cabin. It was a sight to be seen. If that is, I could have seen it. We all had head lamps but still couldn't see much. And in the process of getting out there we almost lost Logan the wiener dog in the marsh. And I had my glasses on so they were fogging up every few feet making it rather impossible to see much of anything.

We spent the evening trying to start a fire which was rather difficult as I could not get the oil stove lit. I think that the rain had gotten down inside the chimney. But, luckily for us we managed to haul out some dry firewood which we used to dry more dead wood we found around the cabin. I had also brought with me my camp stove which provided excellent heat while we were there.

We brought out a bottle of french absinthe and between the three of us, we managed to drink the entire thing. We went out and explored the surrounding area, and went down to the beach. Back at the cabin, we warmed up the fire to dry off our damp clothes and did some cooking, made coffee with Baileys, did some oil pastel drawings and listened to some music.

Not before too long we noticed the cabin was all smokey. One of my friend's shirts was cooking away so much so that it was crispy. Oops.

Our last day there we woke to the most beautiful sunrise, and even though it was cold and it was a small group, we had fun.

We burned the rest of my friend's sweatshirt and packed up everything. Heading back it was a much better weather, the clouds were higher up the mountains and we could actually see where we were going. And because the dogs had such a hard time getting out there in the middle of the night, you can bet that they stayed right next to our sides hiking back to the car.

It was a fun much needed break from civilization. However, I managed to leave the dome light in my car on for 2 days. And it was a good thing we took too cars and met up at the trail head because otherwise, I would have had to hike in several miles to get cell phone reception.
You know it's a good camping trip when you get home and have a nice long 2 hour long shower to warm you up.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

All Hallows Eve and All That Fun Jazz

Over the Halloween weekend I found myself busier then ever before. I was invited all over the place that weekend. And with all the parties I still had to figure out how I was going to hang out with everyone, figure out my costumes, do all the trick or treating and carve pumpkins as well as attend a dear friend's memorial service. It was a crazy weekend and also a very odd one at that.

With Alaska and the Fall/Winter weather and lack there of of daylight, people tend to suffer more and more from depression and well, that right there might be why we have the highest suicide rate than any other State in the US. And even with the support help line, it sometimes isn't enough. The most important thing to remember is that he was our dear friend and we'll always have the memories. Make the most out of each day you have. Hug, like you might never get the chance to do it again. Life life to the fullest and have no regrets, or remorse.

On Friday, I was invited to a coworker's Halloween party and I found my brother's cowboy hat and with the help of my mother's cowboy boots, I was able to go as a cowgirl. You see, I might not normally have such a difficult time figuring out what to wear. But most of my costume like stuff is in storage in San Francisco awaiting next year's Burning Man. Luckily, I had forgotten my toy guns and they came in quite handy at the party.

That night was pretty fun, I hadn't ever met most of the people at my coworker's party. And some of the people there I hadn't seen in YEARS. It was great getting to hang out with everyone. I got pretty intoxicated and switched to water so I could drive over of my friends house later that evening.

I arrived at her place to find her already drunk and playing on her computer. We joked around and passed out on the couch. I didn't end up making it home until late the next day. Mostly because I was asked to assist in making a friend's costume for that evening.

I arrived at my friend's house to find she had purchased some fabric. And not even owning a sewing machine or a good pair of scissors I had to cut the material with a knife and safety pin the sucker together. In the end, I was quite impressed with myself as it turned out AMAZING for what I had to work with!

I went home with a friend to make pie and carve pumpkins before getting ready for yet another Halloween party. My pumpkin turned out great and the pie my friend made was wonderful! After a quick scan through the mail, my costumes I had ordered for next years Burning Man showed up and I was able to use parts of those costumes to create some odd kind of ladybug/Minnie Mouse. I dropped off my friend and her pumpkin at her house and called my other friend to see if the party had started.

It had started and in fact, they were in a limo and headed to a bar in the valley where another friend in her Indian costume was supposed to be. I made it over there and had a couple drinks. We participated in a costume contest and my friends both won prizes! My friend wanted to go downtown in their limo, but I was getting to the point of being a tad partied out at that point and thought it would be good to just stay where I was at for a bit and then head home. It was still a ton of fun.

On Halloween, I had volleyball and then got ready to go trick or treating with my favorite little butterfly. I used some of the stuff I'd gotten from the costumes that arrived in the mail and made a kind of snow leopard/wild thing. It was perfect for our cold hallows night.

And I must say, all in all, it was a fabulous weekend.