Saturday, December 25, 2010

Yule be in my heart forever and always

This winter solstice we had a lunar eclipse. The first on Yule sense around 1880 or so. Very cool. Made me realize even more that we've turned the corner, that life goes on weather your are ready or not.

I could feel the warmth from the moon leave us as the earth's shadow covered the moon. Down the road from where I had taken some friends there was a beach party and bonfire. It was quite the sight to be had. I felt a huge push through my body as we went from dead Winter to heading toward Spring. It was fantastic.

I stood there outside the car in the dark, just staring up through the clouds at the moon as it slowly faded away. The cold air nipping at my cheeks.

My little four year old friend was very excited. Although, more excited to go look at Christmas decoration on our way home. She was amazed when I told her exactly what a lunar eclipse was.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Being Thankful

When thinking of what I'm thankful this year. There are many thoughts that come to my mind. I mean, it has been a very up and down year. What with the loss of so many friends and my beloved Aspen. With the travel that I was able to take this year to see good friends and meet many more new ones. All the wonderful crazy fun fabulous adventures that I went on this year.

I am thankful for my friends who were there for me when Aspen was caught with a sudden illness and her life taken. I am thankful for my friends who were able to help keep me busy and help me get on with life at that time. Taking me out to celebrate her life & camping to help clear my head.

I am thankful for my parents who have been so wonderful and amazing. I love you so much.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cowee Creek Cabin

November 5-6 I went with a couple friends and their dogs to Cowee Creek Meadows. It was a rainy trail and we didn't leave until I was off of work so it was pitch black by the time we got out to the cabin. It was a sight to be seen. If that is, I could have seen it. We all had head lamps but still couldn't see much. And in the process of getting out there we almost lost Logan the wiener dog in the marsh. And I had my glasses on so they were fogging up every few feet making it rather impossible to see much of anything.

We spent the evening trying to start a fire which was rather difficult as I could not get the oil stove lit. I think that the rain had gotten down inside the chimney. But, luckily for us we managed to haul out some dry firewood which we used to dry more dead wood we found around the cabin. I had also brought with me my camp stove which provided excellent heat while we were there.

We brought out a bottle of french absinthe and between the three of us, we managed to drink the entire thing. We went out and explored the surrounding area, and went down to the beach. Back at the cabin, we warmed up the fire to dry off our damp clothes and did some cooking, made coffee with Baileys, did some oil pastel drawings and listened to some music.

Not before too long we noticed the cabin was all smokey. One of my friend's shirts was cooking away so much so that it was crispy. Oops.

Our last day there we woke to the most beautiful sunrise, and even though it was cold and it was a small group, we had fun.

We burned the rest of my friend's sweatshirt and packed up everything. Heading back it was a much better weather, the clouds were higher up the mountains and we could actually see where we were going. And because the dogs had such a hard time getting out there in the middle of the night, you can bet that they stayed right next to our sides hiking back to the car.

It was a fun much needed break from civilization. However, I managed to leave the dome light in my car on for 2 days. And it was a good thing we took too cars and met up at the trail head because otherwise, I would have had to hike in several miles to get cell phone reception.
You know it's a good camping trip when you get home and have a nice long 2 hour long shower to warm you up.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

All Hallows Eve and All That Fun Jazz

Over the Halloween weekend I found myself busier then ever before. I was invited all over the place that weekend. And with all the parties I still had to figure out how I was going to hang out with everyone, figure out my costumes, do all the trick or treating and carve pumpkins as well as attend a dear friend's memorial service. It was a crazy weekend and also a very odd one at that.

With Alaska and the Fall/Winter weather and lack there of of daylight, people tend to suffer more and more from depression and well, that right there might be why we have the highest suicide rate than any other State in the US. And even with the support help line, it sometimes isn't enough. The most important thing to remember is that he was our dear friend and we'll always have the memories. Make the most out of each day you have. Hug, like you might never get the chance to do it again. Life life to the fullest and have no regrets, or remorse.

On Friday, I was invited to a coworker's Halloween party and I found my brother's cowboy hat and with the help of my mother's cowboy boots, I was able to go as a cowgirl. You see, I might not normally have such a difficult time figuring out what to wear. But most of my costume like stuff is in storage in San Francisco awaiting next year's Burning Man. Luckily, I had forgotten my toy guns and they came in quite handy at the party.

That night was pretty fun, I hadn't ever met most of the people at my coworker's party. And some of the people there I hadn't seen in YEARS. It was great getting to hang out with everyone. I got pretty intoxicated and switched to water so I could drive over of my friends house later that evening.

I arrived at her place to find her already drunk and playing on her computer. We joked around and passed out on the couch. I didn't end up making it home until late the next day. Mostly because I was asked to assist in making a friend's costume for that evening.

I arrived at my friend's house to find she had purchased some fabric. And not even owning a sewing machine or a good pair of scissors I had to cut the material with a knife and safety pin the sucker together. In the end, I was quite impressed with myself as it turned out AMAZING for what I had to work with!

I went home with a friend to make pie and carve pumpkins before getting ready for yet another Halloween party. My pumpkin turned out great and the pie my friend made was wonderful! After a quick scan through the mail, my costumes I had ordered for next years Burning Man showed up and I was able to use parts of those costumes to create some odd kind of ladybug/Minnie Mouse. I dropped off my friend and her pumpkin at her house and called my other friend to see if the party had started.

It had started and in fact, they were in a limo and headed to a bar in the valley where another friend in her Indian costume was supposed to be. I made it over there and had a couple drinks. We participated in a costume contest and my friends both won prizes! My friend wanted to go downtown in their limo, but I was getting to the point of being a tad partied out at that point and thought it would be good to just stay where I was at for a bit and then head home. It was still a ton of fun.

On Halloween, I had volleyball and then got ready to go trick or treating with my favorite little butterfly. I used some of the stuff I'd gotten from the costumes that arrived in the mail and made a kind of snow leopard/wild thing. It was perfect for our cold hallows night.

And I must say, all in all, it was a fabulous weekend.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Late afternoon hike

It's been a rather blustery cold fall so far. A true Alaskan Fall. And being that I have been spending so much of my time inside working on quilting and cleaning and cooking I decided to take some time and grabbed some friend's for an afternoon hike.
I rented the Cowee Creek Cabin here next month and having never been out there before I thought it would be a good idea to figure out how to get out to the cabin and how the trail was.
We bundled up and booked it out. 1 hour or so out and 1 hour back. So much water it was a good thing we were all in Xtra Tufs the meadow was completely flooded. But I'm already so excited for next month. I'm going to have a blast! Rain or shine. Very much looking forward to my two day camp out.
There isn't quite anything like camping to revitalize your spirits.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Well, ever sense I returned home, it's been hard to find my groove. And because there really aren't any decompressions around I have to improvise. And just get thrown back into the default world.

A Zombie Walk was perfect for October and a fun way to keep the creativity alive. Although I was sick, I went to the walk and had fun. Got POURED on by the rain on the walk home, but it was worth it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Klondike Road Relay 2010

Here are some photos of me and my team The Island Girls at this years Klondike Road Relay. We all had a blast. And we even got to stay a little longer and explore a little more of Whitehorse before heading back to Skagway. So I also have pictures from our travels around the area. Enjoy.

Being touristy in Skagway, AK on our way to Whitehorse.

Team during the race.

After the race, let the party begin.

Team photos and relaxing.

Wondering back to Alaska.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Burning Man 2010- My Wonderful Awesome Enlightening Crazy Fun Adventure

After work, I raced over to my friend's mother's house to pick up the glacier ice and then raced out to the valley to snag some dry ice before my flight. She wished me well, I grabbed the ice and my friends contacts and was off. Who knew that taking glacier ice off the glacier was a federal offense? Haha! Good thing that once it's off the glacier and out of the lake, they can't do anything about it. I'm not sure why it's illegal. I just don't get it. It was falling off anyway. It's just like Eagle feathers, I mean... they molt every year. Interesting no?

I arrived into Seattle at 11pm where one of my best friends, Nena picked me up and bless her heart drove me down to Portland. The next day, my friend & ride share Bret picked me up and we made our way out toward Black Rock City. A ten hour drive. As we made got closer, we got more and more excited. Like children in a candy store. Reality was starting to set in. We were going to Burning Man. I couldn't believe it!

The mountain side lit up.

This BRIGHT orange moon rose up above it. As we rounded a corner the lights from the city sunk in to our souls & we were both amazed. We arrived at 11:30pm and a short line time. A few minutes later in line we arrived at the gate. Dust angles and the 'virgin' bell ringing, we were no longer virgins. I was home.

I was.

It being as late as it was, there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to set up my tent. But Bret and I split up to find our Theme Camps.

I found it; Bob's Rainforest and my new home for the next glorious week. The only green on the Playa. That evening, I meet Ian or Bamboo Bob, Toi Box & Zak. Everyone else was either already asleep or partying. Bamboo Bob was camping somewhere else and offered up his couch for me to stay on that night. We rode off and Bamboo Bob took me to see The Man. A beautiful clear evening and everyone so nice and friendly. Everyone dishing out hugs. We rode over on our bikes to one of the big party sides of the city and watched one of the fire art installations shoot up to music.

Morning came fast and it was cold. I got up and left in search of my friend Evan. The sun was very warm and pleasant. Soon, it was hot again and once I'd tracked down my friend I made my way back to Bob's to see if I could bring my stuff over. I sat and chatted a bit until Jason, Uber Bob, was up. I had brought him a bottle of Jamesons as the day before was his birthday & I had missed out.

Jason showed me where to set up & about 10 minutes later Bret showed up with one of his camp mates to drop off the rest of my gear. I was to thankful for that being I had already moved my cooler and a few other things on my bike and it wasn't easy.

I was placed inside the dome for my tent and waited a little while before setting up so that I could hang out with the rest of camp and get to know everyone a little bit. I met Allen and Haley & Emma. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. At about 10:30 in the morning Tom awoke & met me with biggest hug & the hugest smile on his face. Through out the next day I met the other Bobs of camp.

Aimee, aka MonoBob, Kristine, Da Vor, Lillian, Tuffy, Kyle, Carolyn, Evan, BobLight, JT or BobScout, Whitney, Doug, DildoBob, Bonnie Rose, Makana, Jenna & BabyBob Jaxon, Pat and a few others. BabyBob was only month old & the cutest little burner. Might possibly have been the youngest. They even had him place his hands in the dust at The Gate when they arrived.

I set off by myself to explore a little bit and to grab a couple things from Bret. Then went off with Emma, Allen and BobLight to the top of MallMart, a HUGE 4 story tower that the week prior our camp had helped build. It was like an apartment building! Very awesome and from the top... you could look out and see everything. Absolutely amazing.

The afternoon was followed with Porn30, an awesome camp dinner of fajitas. Then a bunch of the Bobs hopping into Zak's truck to take a tour of the art installations and explore the Playa. We partied atop a stage during a Rave party that is held down at one end of the Playa every night. We watched fire dancers and light shows. We went out into Deep Playa and came upon a refrigerator bolted shut covered with TONS of magnets. On one side, someone had written a message that said "Thank you Bobs". So, naturally, we responded with "You are welcome." We drove off into the night and rode out to the perimeter where we found an art car bar. We all gathered around and had a shot of Whiskey.

Off went went again and saw a movie theater that was playing a different movie every night. Then, we ran into the Dust City Diner, complete with 50's waitress drag queens. Deloris and everyone in character. Serving up Coffee that they could spike for ya, Tea, and the BEST Grill Cheese sandwiches I've ever had!

Balls on your face Wednesday came around and BobScout and I rearranged the kitchen and the camp worked on putting up a few more tarps over the big dome. That afternoon Phife, Emma and I went out to the Golden Calf Cafe for some drinks. Did I mention, that everything at Burning Man is Free or available for trade minus Ice and Coffee at Center Camp? Yeah, I love it!

Later that evening I cooked up Halibut and boy did it go fast. Apparently those of my camp mates that were lucky enough to try some went ga-ga. ...Next year, I think I'm going to try for more Halibut, and some Salmon and Moose meat.

That evening I went out to explore with Evan who was gracious enough to show me all over the Playa. We chilled a top a bar on the Esplanade who's roof was one HUGE hammock. Watching sat there for awhile just watching all the art cars drive around and all the fire/light art installations light up the sky. We listened to all the music mixing in the sky and said hi to everyone who climbed up. One of which was a beautiful fallen angel with wonderful wings. After a little bit, we climbed down and checked out the Giant Rock Em Sock Em Robots. We even took turns fighting. So much fun.

We wandered around until three in the morning to watch some of Evan's friends play at Center Camp. They were the best, such a mellow mix of Electronica and Folk. It was the perfect way to end the night, listening while lounging on a bunch of couches and pillows spread out in front of the stage.

On the third, I went to the Golden Calf Cafe again, this time with Evan and met up with Phife. I had an alcohol infused strawberry dipped in chocolate. It was decedent! We both agreed that Evan had to get one of those needle things they used to inject the fruit with alcohol so that his girl back home could try it. SO GOOD! After our drink at the cafe, we hopped aboard a small art car and drove around blasting Reggae and jammin with our fellow taxi friends. I was gifted a magnet from them. After a little while, we hopped off in hopes of being able to board another art car we saw driving around the night before. A beautiful magnificent Shroom car. Super colorful at night. We were out of luck, they weren't driving it until closer to night. But we chatted awhile with some Burners from the camp the car belonged to who were from San Francisco.

We went by some of Evan's friends who were camped out not to far from where we were. They told us of a camp a block away or so that was serving up soft serve ice cream. We jetted off to get some for ourselves.

Now, being from Alaska... I can say I LOVE ice cream. It's one of my favorite treats. But out on the Playa, it is one thousand times better. Fantastic. In fact, just about everything was a million times more amazing on the Playa then anywhere else. It was as if I was tasting everything for the first time. Ice cream, bacon, fish, alcohol, onions, coffee. You heard me... coffee. I know. I was surprised (iced coffee).

we hopped aboard the Dodo, a huge double decker bus, we road it around and got to see the Esplanade in the daylight until it drove right by home. That late afternoon, we played Fizzball in the middle of the street.

That evening, was the Portal Burn. I could feel so much energy at Burning Man. The Portal, for me, was a burning to welcome us home. My friend Evan and I got front row seats. With a nice clear sky we got an amazing view of the burn. Afterward, a whiteout hit us and we had to walk our bikes towards camp because we could not see more than a couple feel in front of us. Finding friends we snaked back and fount the Temple.

The temple was a very welcoming, spiritual place and I was able to find a marker and write a message to the skies and to Aspen who had passed just a month prior. I was unable to fully deal with her loss at home and so I made it clear how much she was missed and how much she meant to me as well as my first cat Thai. I know she knew how special she was to me. She got me through a very difficult time in my life, but I wrote to her anyway. Grateful to them both. I wanted them to know how much they meant to me, and to let them know they'd always be with me. I wrote a message to my brother, who, no matter what happens, I will always love and cherish and I wrote that because I wanted him to know that even though he wasn't at Burning Man, he was there with me in spirit. With a hug, Evan and I pressed on, back toward The Man and the lights.

We hit up the Thunderdome and the dust died down. We watched some amazing fights and my friend BambooBob was down inside the dome with a bunch of other people from Deathguild. My friend Ian was a medic for the Thunderdome and I stayed to watch some epic Mad Max style fights. Evan and I climbed onto the dome and watched for about an hour. At one point the whiteout kicked back on and you couldn't see inches in front of your face. After awhile, we climbed down and rode off to camp.

Saturday was Bobs Arctica shift- 9am to noon. Pirate themed and the MOST FUN I have EVER HAD working. I honestly did not feel like I was working emptying ice out of the huge trucks that they were delivered in. We were all dancing, laughing, drinking and moving so much ice. We entertained the crowd and raised more money than any other camp before us.

Afterward, Kristine, Evan and I walked down Bangdad (our street) to a nighbour camp that was having a little party and partake in some of the Pussy Extract. I was given an awesome temporary tattoo which read "Cock Candy". Completely amused, we wondered off, in search of what else the Playa had to offer in the late afternoon sun.

As we danced off down the street sipping our drinks we laughed. We wondered. Walked across a rope bridge & danced as the sun went down, played pool and sipped more alcoholic drinks.

Back at camp we prepared for The Man to burn. As most of camp went to MallMart to partake in the festivities from higher up, Evan and I went out closer so this virgin could get a first hand experience of the true spirit of Burning Man. That night, there was reported to be over 50,000 people watching The Man burn. The mood was wild and happy. People were happy and friendly, but definitely more people were 'tourists' (people who only come for the weekends and who know Burning Man as more of a party than anything else).

In a show of hundreds of fireworks The Man went up in flames. A signal that lit up the sky in a great show of what we had created. A wondrous place where there was magic and wonder all around. A greeting to the party that was known at Burning Man.

My friend and I walked around after The Man went down dancing away and enjoying all the art cars that were also out to enjoy and celebrate The Man. While dancing to some great music, a mini rave started around us and the camp the art car belonged to thanked us for starting the whole thing by gifting us with a CD.

Afterward, we make it over to the Irish Pub in one of the districts. There, we sat and sipped Irish Coffee and chatted up a storm, laughing at the hilarious zombie movie they were playing. Shortly there after, UberBob, Emma, T.J. and Phife. We all played Chess and darts. We listened to Jason read aloud his proverb. After the chess game ended and the darts were thrown we split up and slowly made out way drunkenly back home.

Wrong Day Monday came around and we started breaking down camp. It was quite a site to see. The little rainforest we all knew as home was broken down and packed mostly away within two hours. The feeling on the Playa was no longer a party place... (well, it was...) but more a somber, melancholy and everyone knew that the end was drawing nearer. The whole day, we just hung out, drank whiskey and wine and told stories from the week with everyone and worked hard. We were a team, a family.

That evening, we piled back into Zak's truck and headed to temple. All bundled up. One of my camp mates had brought her favorite wine to share, a chocolate cherry wine. Marvelous. The only words there... "WOW"

We all slowly unfolded out of the truck at Temple and chatted until the show began. The Temple burn, was unlike any of the other burns. It was a somber evening. It was a slow and peaceful burn. Soon the flames shot up engulfing the temple and all our prayers and words,thoughts and letters. As the flames went up, the smell of sage filled my lungs and I immediately felt a sense of cleansing and protection. I felt as though I would always be at peace in this magical place and that my thoughts and messages had been heard. It was an emotional burn. And the simple burn silenced everyone and it brought on heavy sighs and teary eyes from everyone. Silence as our prayers and thoughts were sent up into the skies.

As the Temple fell down, it was an outstanding show where the structure fell down upon itself like domino's. Everyone hugged everyone, saying good bye, knowing we wouldn't see each other for another year. And until then, the sage that was burned in the fire would protect us back in the Default world.

There were no parties that evening. Instead, we all headed back and shared the rest of the evening as a family, sharing more adventures, sharing the sense of love and peace and connection and community.

Until next year my fellow burners.