Monday, August 16, 2010

To my beloved Aspen...

A little over a week ago I had to go through probably one of the most difficult times in my life. For many of you who know me, you know that my dog Aspen was way more to me than just a dog. She was my companion, she was my joy and my happiness in my normal every day life.
On August 4th, 2010 we noticed that she wasn't doing so great. So I took her into the vet, got some more medication for her and was told to keep a close watch over her. They said if she wasn't better by Friday to bring her back in. Well Thursday morning she was looking rather ill so my mother took her in to the vet pronto. They called back saying they were going to keep her for the day. Completely in shock I waited anxiously to hear what the vet had to say. My nerves all over the map at this point.They called back and I was told that my sweet wiggle butt had Autoimmune Anemia. This was followed rather quickly by jaundice. They told me they were going to keep her over night.
The next couple of days were very way up and down. Friday after work I was able to go out to the vet with my parents and my brother Jake. My friends Ellie and Bobby went out there as well to pay Aspen a visit. And she perked up, wagging her tail, and enjoyed just getting a chance to see some of the people she loved so much. She even ate green beans and tomatoes as well as some Yummy Chummies. Which was a great sign, as well as her keeping down the puppy food they gave her earlier that day. That evening I got a call saying that she appeared to be making a turn in the right direction and my thoughts were put at ease.But by 7am the following morning she had taken a turn for the worse. The jaundice was too bad. Her gums were a bright florescent color. And her sweet little eyes were also very yellow, you could see it even in her ears. It broke my heart to see her have so little energy from the Autoimmune anemia that she couldn't even lift her head up when we got there Saturday morning. She was so happy to see us, but you could tell she was tired. Tired of fighting. She just wanted to be held.
That's all my sweet little girl ever wanted, to be held. She always just wanted to be right by your side. Doing everything that you were. Sitting there on the floor in the vets office, I held her. I stroked her soft fur and I told her that everything was going to be alright. She looked at me and took one deep last breath. Even before the vet was able to come in and see us, I knew that my sweet little girl was gone. There wasn't anything left that we could do, she'd lost her fight. She relaxed right there in my arms. Her body at rest. And me, heartbroken.Heartbroken, but non the less thankful for everything Aspenoni had brought into my life. She made every adventure all the greater for me. Don't get be wrong, there were plenty of times where Aspen was ill. But there is nothing more I could have asked for than to have her be remembered as the sweet, fun, happy go lucky little girl she was. Always ready to go on an adventure always willing to be right by my side. Smiling, singing and prancing along like she always did.
Another thing I know Aspen did was she spread her love far and wide. She touched so many peoples lives with her silly song singing or her crazy little butt wagging a mile a minute, or perhaps the fact that she always needed to have a pillow or a knee to rest her head on. Who knows, but one thing is for sure, she had so many friends. And to all those friends, I hope she enriched your life as much as she did mine.

I'll be picking up her ashes and taking them (along with my first cat Chii's ashes) out the road to a spot I used to take both of them. My plan is to create some kind of meditation spot where I can go and be with them. Some people might think me a little nuts for that I suppose. But I don't care, they were my everything. They were both SO much more to me than a pet. They got me through some very difficult times and they deserve to be remembered like this.
Besides, I'd like to have a tranquil space where I can visit them at any time.

Just remember, memories, are all we have left when all is said and done.

Love you my sweet Aspen, you're such a good girl.
Aspen Kreuzenstein
(Aspenoni/WiggleButt/Smily/MountainGoat/FerociousBeast/Sleepy/CuddleBug)2.12.2007 - 8.7.2010


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