Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First Camp out of the Year

Saturday May 2nd, 2009 I had planned to go up to Dan Moller Cabin with some friends however, the snow from this last winter is still melting in some areas and the trail was 5 feet deep in some areas. Not everyone in the camping party had snow shoes so we ended up having a few friends over at my house for some drinks Friday night and we went out Saturday morning in search of a camping spot.

I'd never really camped out Eagle Beach area. I went just past Eagle Beach out by the Kayak boat launch. There is a turn off just past that with a short trail out to a nice camping spot. It was so much fun.
Juneau had been hitting almost record temps and surprisingly warm. We hiked on beach at first and once settled we were able to really get things cleaned up and start having fun.
A friend of mine had been house sitting for a coworker and ended up taking her two dogs with us camping.
Not to mention their was just enough trees that if their was wind, we wouldn't have noticed. A cliff was right next to the site which made it easy to haul rocks up to fix the fire pit. We had hot dogs, spaghetti, potatoes and mushrooms, smores, pancakes.
Even though Aspen carries her own gear, she's such a pansy. She got cold and I ended up taking a sweatshirt on her. She looked so funny. Like Yoda. She didn't even try to get out of it. All the dogs got along pretty well for the most part. Minus a few grumpy moments when they were tired.
I really really hope that this summer has more weekends like this one because I am all up for more camp outs. Where you are warm enough that you don't have to zip your face into your sleeping bag and where you're huddling around the fire to keep warm. It was wonderful.
My coworker's dog Chief woke us up in the morning by barking at a crow. Which was funny because it made Aspen jump 5 feet up into the air.

Good times good times. I'm definitely going to have to get some more gear so that when my kayak arrives I can take it out and camp out on some islands and beaches.
I hope their are many more camp outs to post here.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, you lucky girl! I would have loved to go camping with you guys. I have yet to go this season. If ( IF) I make it up this summer we'll have to go. Right now it doesn't look like it's going to happen but we're going to try (keep a look out for anybody who needs house-sitting in July-September or just has a place for us to crash) to hit up either Juneau or further up north. I'll keep you posted if we make it!
